Conferences and Workshops

  1. D. Peng, S.-J. Wu, J.-C. Yu, C.-H Chang, K. Ho. Curvilinear mask: bridging ILT to HVM (keynote). Proc. SPIE 12495, DTCO and Computational Patterning II, 124950I. SPIE Advanced Lithography + Patterning, San Jose, CA, Feb. 2023. doi:10.1117/12.2661726.
  2. K. Ho, H. Le, X. Zhou, D. Peng. GPU computing for lithography simulations in mask synthesis. NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference, Oct. 2020.
  3. K.L. Ho. Fast multipole matrix factorization. SIAM Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, Jul. 2018.
  4. K.L. Ho. Linear-time factorization of covariance matrices. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT, Mar. 2015.
  5. K.L. Ho. Progress toward fast algorithms for protein design. Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematical Biology, Math. Biosci. Inst., Aug. 2014.
  6. K.L. Ho. Hierarchical interpolative factorization. SIAM Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Jul. 2014.
  7. K.L. Ho. Efficient operator factorizations for integral and differential equations. Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics, New Jersey Inst. Technol., May 2014.
  8. K.L. Ho. Linear-time factorization of covariance matrices. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Savannah, GA, Apr. 2014.
  9. K.L. Ho. Hierarchical interpolative factorization. Workshop on Integral Equation Methods: Fast Algorithms and Applications, Banff Intl. Res. Stn., Dec. 2013.
  10. K.L. Ho. Skeleton preconditioner for coarse-graining integral equations. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Boston, Feb. 2013.
  11. K.L. Ho. Fast direct solvers for integral equations in complex geometries. NYU/Columbia NSF RTG Symposium, New York Univ., Sep. 2012.
  12. K.L. Ho, L. Greengard. Protein pKa calculations using a fast direct boundary element solver. SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2012.
  13. K.L. Ho, L. Greengard. A fast direct solver for non-oscillatory integral equations. SIAM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Jul. 2012.
  14. K.L. Ho, L. Greengard. A fast direct solver for structured matrices arising from non-oscillatory integral equations. SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Univ. Politècnica València, Jun. 2012.
  15. K.L. Ho, L. Greengard. A fast direct solver by structured matrix compression (poster). Challenges in Geometry, Analysis, and Computation: High-Dimensional Synthesis. A conference in honor of R.R. Coifman, P.W. Jones, and V. Rokhlin, Yale Univ., Jun. 2012.
  16. K.L. Ho, L. Greengard. A fast direct solver for structured matrices (poster). DOE Applied Mathematics Program Meeting, Washington, DC, Oct. 2011.
  17. K.L. Ho. Fast direct solvers by multilevel matrix compression (poster). Courant Institute 75th Anniversary, New York Univ., May 2011.
  18. K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for molecular electrostatics (poster). COB Day, New York Univ., Dec. 2009.
  19. K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for molecular electrostatics (poster). NSF IGERT Principal Investigators Meeting, Alexandria, VA, May 2009.

Seminars, Colloquiua, and Other

  1. K. Ho. TSMC OPC: modeling, simulation, AI. TSMC Intern Technical Talk, San Jose, CA, Jun. 2023.
  2. K.L. Ho. Fast multipole matrix factorization. TSMC, San Jose, CA, Jul. 2018.
  3. K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. TSMC, San Jose, CA, Aug. 2015.
  4. K.L. Ho. Parameter-free statistical model invalidation for biochemical reaction networks. Theranos, Palo Alto, CA, Apr. 2015.
  5. K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Math Colloquium, Univ. Calif., Riverside, Feb. 2015.
  6. K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Department of Mathematics, Univ. Calif., Irvine, Jan. 2015.
  7. K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. School of Mathematics, Univ. Minnesota, Jan. 2015.
  8. K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Applied Mathematics Colloquium, North Carolina State Univ., Jan. 2015.
  9. K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Department of Mathematical Sciences, New Jersey Inst. Technol., Dec. 2014.
  10. K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Calif. Inst. Technol., Nov. 2014.
  11. K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Math Colloquium, Univ. Wisconsin-Madison, Nov. 2014.
  12. K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Math Colloquium, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Oct. 2014.
  13. K.L. Ho. Hierarchical interpolative factorization. CNA Seminar, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Oct. 2014.
  14. K.L. Ho. Efficient operator factorizations for integral and differential equations. Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar, Univ. Calif., Irvine, May 2014.
  15. K.L. Ho. Hierarchical interpolative factorization. Applied Math Seminar, Colorado State Univ., Mar. 2014.
  16. K.L. Ho. Hierarchical interpolative factorization. Darve Group Meeting, Stanford Univ., Jan. 2014.
  17. K.L. Ho. Parameter-free statistical model invalidation for biochemical reaction networks. COB Colloquium, New York Univ., Oct. 2012.
  18. H.A. Harrington, K.L. Ho. Steady-state invariants for complex-balanced networks. Biomathematics Working Group, Imperial Coll. London, Aug. 2012.
  19. K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for molecular electrostatics. Biomathematics Working Group, Imperial Coll. London, Aug. 2012.
  20. K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for molecular electrostatics. COB Colloquium, New York Univ., May 2012.
  21. K.L. Ho. A fast direct solver for non-oscillatory integral equations. Computing Sciences Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab., Jan. 2012.
  22. K.L. Ho. A fast direct solver for non-oscillatory integral equations. Wilkinson Fellowship Interview, Argonne Natl. Lab., Jan. 2012.
  23. K.L. Ho. Mathematical modeling of apoptosis: the death-inducing signaling complex. Mostly Biomathematics Lunchtime Seminar, New York Univ., Feb. 2009.
  24. K.L. Ho. Construction and analysis of a modular model of caspase activation in apoptosis. COB Colloquium, New York Univ., Nov. 2008.
  25. M. El-Naggar, K. Ho. A. Tadmor. Phage hunting in the termite gut. Bioengineering Bootcamp Presentations, Calif. Inst. Technol., Sep. 2008.
  26. H.A. Harrington, S. Ghosh, K.L. Ho, KC Tung. A mathematical model of apoptosis. Summer Graduate Program Presentations, Math. Biosci. Inst., Aug. 2007.
  27. S. DeSalvo, J. Essen, K.L. Ho, G. Knight. A method for designing impulsive low-energy transfers between the Earth and the Moon. Jet Propul. Lab., Aug. 2006.
  28. S. DeSalvo, J. Essen, K.L. Ho, G. Knight. A method for designing impulsive low-energy transfers between the Earth and the Moon. RIPS Projects Day, Inst. Pure Appl. Math., Aug. 2006.
  29. K.L. Ho. Computational modeling and quantitative analysis of an in vitro DNA transcriptional switch system based on experimental data (poster). SURF Seminar Day, Calif. Inst. Technol., Sep. 2005.