Conferences and Workshops
- D. Peng, S.-J. Wu, J.-C. Yu, C.-H Chang, K. Ho. Curvilinear mask: bridging ILT to HVM (keynote). Proc. SPIE 12495, DTCO and Computational Patterning II, 124950I. SPIE Advanced Lithography + Patterning, San Jose, CA, Feb. 2023. doi:10.1117/12.2661726.
- K. Ho, H. Le, X. Zhou, D. Peng. GPU computing for lithography simulations in mask synthesis. NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference, Oct. 2020.
- K.L. Ho. Fast multipole matrix factorization. SIAM Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, Jul. 2018.
- K.L. Ho. Linear-time factorization of covariance matrices. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT, Mar. 2015.
- K.L. Ho. Progress toward fast algorithms for protein design. Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematical Biology, Math. Biosci. Inst., Aug. 2014.
- K.L. Ho. Hierarchical interpolative factorization. SIAM Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Jul. 2014.
- K.L. Ho. Efficient operator factorizations for integral and differential equations. Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics, New Jersey Inst. Technol., May 2014.
- K.L. Ho. Linear-time factorization of covariance matrices. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Savannah, GA, Apr. 2014.
- K.L. Ho. Hierarchical interpolative factorization. Workshop on Integral Equation Methods: Fast Algorithms and Applications, Banff Intl. Res. Stn., Dec. 2013.
- K.L. Ho. Skeleton preconditioner for coarse-graining integral equations. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Boston, Feb. 2013.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct solvers for integral equations in complex geometries. NYU/Columbia NSF RTG Symposium, New York Univ., Sep. 2012.
- K.L. Ho, L. Greengard. Protein pKa calculations using a fast direct boundary element solver. SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, San Diego, CA, Aug. 2012.
- K.L. Ho, L. Greengard. A fast direct solver for non-oscillatory integral equations. SIAM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Jul. 2012.
- K.L. Ho, L. Greengard. A fast direct solver for structured matrices arising from non-oscillatory integral equations. SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Univ. Politècnica València, Jun. 2012.
- K.L. Ho, L. Greengard. A fast direct solver by structured matrix compression (poster). Challenges in Geometry, Analysis, and Computation: High-Dimensional Synthesis. A conference in honor of R.R. Coifman, P.W. Jones, and V. Rokhlin, Yale Univ., Jun. 2012.
- K.L. Ho, L. Greengard. A fast direct solver for structured matrices (poster). DOE Applied Mathematics Program Meeting, Washington, DC, Oct. 2011.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct solvers by multilevel matrix compression (poster). Courant Institute 75th Anniversary, New York Univ., May 2011.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for molecular electrostatics (poster). COB Day, New York Univ., Dec. 2009.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for molecular electrostatics (poster). NSF IGERT Principal Investigators Meeting, Alexandria, VA, May 2009.
Seminars, Colloquiua, and Other
- K. Ho. TSMC OPC: modeling, simulation, AI. TSMC Intern Technical Talk, San Jose, CA, Jun. 2023.
- K.L. Ho. Fast multipole matrix factorization. TSMC, San Jose, CA, Jul. 2018.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. TSMC, San Jose, CA, Aug. 2015.
- K.L. Ho. Parameter-free statistical model invalidation for biochemical reaction networks. Theranos, Palo Alto, CA, Apr. 2015.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Math Colloquium, Univ. Calif., Riverside, Feb. 2015.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Department of Mathematics, Univ. Calif., Irvine, Jan. 2015.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. School of Mathematics, Univ. Minnesota, Jan. 2015.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Applied Mathematics Colloquium, North Carolina State Univ., Jan. 2015.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Department of Mathematical Sciences, New Jersey Inst. Technol., Dec. 2014.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Calif. Inst. Technol., Nov. 2014.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Math Colloquium, Univ. Wisconsin-Madison, Nov. 2014.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for structured matrices. Math Colloquium, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Oct. 2014.
- K.L. Ho. Hierarchical interpolative factorization. CNA Seminar, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Oct. 2014.
- K.L. Ho. Efficient operator factorizations for integral and differential equations. Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar, Univ. Calif., Irvine, May 2014.
- K.L. Ho. Hierarchical interpolative factorization. Applied Math Seminar, Colorado State Univ., Mar. 2014.
- K.L. Ho. Hierarchical interpolative factorization. Darve Group Meeting, Stanford Univ., Jan. 2014.
- K.L. Ho. Parameter-free statistical model invalidation for biochemical reaction networks. COB Colloquium, New York Univ., Oct. 2012.
- H.A. Harrington, K.L. Ho. Steady-state invariants for complex-balanced networks. Biomathematics Working Group, Imperial Coll. London, Aug. 2012.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for molecular electrostatics. Biomathematics Working Group, Imperial Coll. London, Aug. 2012.
- K.L. Ho. Fast direct methods for molecular electrostatics. COB Colloquium, New York Univ., May 2012.
- K.L. Ho. A fast direct solver for non-oscillatory integral equations. Computing Sciences Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab., Jan. 2012.
- K.L. Ho. A fast direct solver for non-oscillatory integral equations. Wilkinson Fellowship Interview, Argonne Natl. Lab., Jan. 2012.
- K.L. Ho. Mathematical modeling of apoptosis: the death-inducing signaling complex. Mostly Biomathematics Lunchtime Seminar, New York Univ., Feb. 2009.
- K.L. Ho. Construction and analysis of a modular model of caspase activation in apoptosis. COB Colloquium, New York Univ., Nov. 2008.
- M. El-Naggar, K. Ho. A. Tadmor. Phage hunting in the termite gut. Bioengineering Bootcamp Presentations, Calif. Inst. Technol., Sep. 2008.
- H.A. Harrington, S. Ghosh, K.L. Ho, KC Tung. A mathematical model of apoptosis. Summer Graduate Program Presentations, Math. Biosci. Inst., Aug. 2007.
- S. DeSalvo, J. Essen, K.L. Ho, G. Knight. A method for designing impulsive low-energy transfers between the Earth and the Moon. Jet Propul. Lab., Aug. 2006.
- S. DeSalvo, J. Essen, K.L. Ho, G. Knight. A method for designing impulsive low-energy transfers between the Earth and the Moon. RIPS Projects Day, Inst. Pure Appl. Math., Aug. 2006.
- K.L. Ho. Computational modeling and quantitative analysis of an in vitro DNA transcriptional switch system based on experimental data (poster). SURF Seminar Day, Calif. Inst. Technol., Sep. 2005.