An interpolative decomposition (ID) of a matrix \(A \in \mathbb{C}^{m \times n}\) of rank \(k \leq \min \{ m, n \}\) is a factorization
where \(\Pi = [\Pi_{1}, \Pi_{2}]\) is a permutation matrix with \(\Pi_{1} \in \{ 0, 1 \}^{n \times k}\), i.e., \(A \Pi_{2} = A \Pi_{1} T\). This can equivalently be written as \(A = BP\), where \(B = A \Pi_{1}\) and \(P = [I, T] \Pi^{\mathsf{T}}\) are the skeleton and interpolation matrices, respectively.
If \(A\) does not have exact rank \(k\), then there exists an approximation in the form of an ID such that \(A = BP + E\), where \(\| E \| \sim \sigma_{k + 1}\) is on the order of the \((k + 1)\)-th largest singular value of \(A\). Note that \(\sigma_{k + 1}\) is the best possible error for a rank-\(k\) approximation and, in fact, is achieved by the singular value decomposition (SVD) \(A \approx U S V^{*}\), where \(U \in \mathbb{C}^{m \times k}\) and \(V \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times k}\) have orthonormal columns and \(S = \mathop{\mathrm{diag}} (\sigma_{i}) \in \mathbb{C}^{k \times k}\) is diagonal with nonnegative entries. The principal advantages of using an ID over an SVD are that:
PyMatrixID has been merged into SciPy 0.13 (in a slightly modified form) as scipy.linalg.interpolative by Andreas Klöckner and Pauli Virtanen. It is highly recommended to henceforth use that package instead.
The ID software package [4] by Martinsson, Rokhlin, Shkolnisky, and Tygert is a Fortran library to compute IDs using various algorithms, including the deterministic pivoted QR approach of [1] and the more recent randomized methods described in [2], [3], and [5]. PyMatrixID is a Python wrapper for this package that exposes its functionality in a more convenient manner. Note that PyMatrixID does not add any functionality beyond that of organizing a simpler and more consistent interface.
We advise the user to consult also the documentation for the ID package, which is included in full as part of PyMatrixID.
PyMatrixID is freely available under the BSD license and can be downloaded at To request alternate licenses, please contact the author.
PyMatrixID also distributes the ID software package, which is likewise released under the BSD license.
[1] | H. Cheng, Z. Gimbutas, P.G. Martinsson, V. Rokhlin. On the compression of low rank matrices. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 26 (4): 1389–1404, 2005. doi:10.1137/030602678. |
[2] | E. Liberty, F. Woolfe, P.G. Martinsson, V. Rokhlin, M. Tygert. Randomized algorithms for the low-rank approximation of matrices. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104 (51): 20167–20172, 2007. doi:10.1073/pnas.0709640104. |
[3] | P.G. Martinsson, V. Rokhlin, M. Tygert. A randomized algorithm for the decomposition of matrices. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 30 (1): 47–68, 2011. doi:10.1016/j.acha.2010.02.003. |
[4] | P.G. Martinsson, V. Rokhlin, Y. Shkolnisky, M. Tygert. ID: a software package for low-rank approximation of matrices via interpolative decompositions, version 0.3. |
[5] | F. Woolfe, E. Liberty, V. Rokhlin, M. Tygert. A fast randomized algorithm for the approximation of matrices. Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 25 (3): 335–366, 2008. doi:10.1016/j.acha.2007.12.002. |